Friday, April 29, 2005

Pro Mrs.

They say too much of a good thing would kill you. Hmm..maybe it's true.
What about too much of a bad thing? Would it give life?
The question is, what kind of life?

Corporate collar tags that pulls you here and there.
Buys your pain and fries your brain.
I'm tired of the game. Now i'm playing on the other end.

These few days sucked the life of me.
Chasing time and no space for breathing.
It's the promise I've made to myself and the people who trust.
I cant back out now, it's too early.
I need energy, I need protein. I need Carb. I need water.
I need emo shelter.
"Nothing is too small to know and nothing is too big to attempt"¨- William Van Horne.

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