Wednesday, August 25, 2004


EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEnotes from the book “The Cash flow Quadrant”
By Robert T. Kiyosaki

A big part in being human is being human. And being human means having emotions. All of us have the same emotions. We all feel fear, sadness, anger, love, hate, disappointment, joy, happiness and other emotions. What makes us individuals is how we handle those emotions.

Same emotions, different thought…different being…different doing…different having.Emotional IQ is more powerful than Academic IQ according to Daniel Goleman book, “Emotional Intelligence”. Goleman quotes 16th century humanist Eramus Rotterdam, who wrote a satirical vein of the perennial tension between reason and emotion.

In his writing, he uses the ratio of 24 : 1 in comparing the power of emotional brain to the rational brain. In other words, when emotions are in high gear, emotions are 24 times stronger than the rational mind. It is not known if this ratio is valid, but it does have some usefulness as a reference to the power of emotional thinking vs. rational thinking.

(24) Emotional Brain : (1 ) Rational Brain

All of us, if we are human, have experienced events in our lives when our emotions overtook our rational thoughts, most of us have:

1.Said something out of anger that we later wish we had not said.

2.Been attracted to someone we knew was not good for us…but still went out with them, or worse, married them.

3.Have cried, or seen someone cry uncontrollably, because the loss of a loved one.

4.Did something intentionally to hurt someone we love because we were hurt.

5.Had our heart broken and not gotten over it for a long time.

Those are just a few examples of emotions being stronger than rational thought. There are times when emotions are more than 24 : 1, and these are often called:

1.Addictions, such as compulsive eating, smoking, sex, shopping, drugs.

2.Phobias, such as fear of snakes, height, tight spaces, the dark, strangers.

These and other behaviors are often 100% emotionally driven. There is little power that rational thought has over the emotional thought when something as strong as addictions and phobias are involved.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004


What is pain? I think pain is important to our life. It gives more meaning to life. If you know what I mean anyway…I mean I look at pain as a proportional to life itself. Having not eating sufficient food for two days…gives hunger a meaning…a good meal a significance and life a better view. I’ve learned that I can smile without food for two days. I can help and motivate people. I learn that life is beautiful. I learn that anger and frustration, trust and integrity work at the same time. And best of all I’m prepared for next encounters, God help me be.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Aku Hidup Hari Nih!!

Living In The NOW Moment

I cannot change the PAST
I do not know what the FUTURE holds for me
But I know what is happening right NOW
and I can CHANGE things NOW

So I DECIDED to live in the NOW moment
I know that in every NOW I have,
it will accumulates to be my FUTURE
and in every NOW that I have too,
will be collected to be my PAST

NOW is my FUTURE and my PAST
NOW is the TIME, NOW is the MOMENT

I will live TODAY
I don't live TOMORROW

now what?! duh!

Monday, August 09, 2004

The Best Medicine

Is laughter the best medicine? I mean, can it cure AIDS, breast cancer, leukemia or even the common flu? NOT!! But I guess it gives a kind of relief. When you can laugh at the things that have gone wrong in your life, you know that you are cured. Well, maybe just spiritually or mentally.

I read that the average adult laughed at least 17 times a day. Iye ker?? I’ve counted my laughter today and it is less than 17. Wait a minute, it says ‘average’, maybe I should keep track of a month laughter or 30 days. Wait again, it says ‘the average adult’. Am I an average adult? But first, Am I considered an adult? Arghhh…malas nak pikir...

It continues to say that only humans laugh. Then I thought, is this true? I mean I’ve heard of laughing hyenas. And I don’t mean cartoon characters like bugs bunny, Donald duck or that purple monster Barney. I mean real animals. Like monkeys, birds or dolphins. The scientists got it wrong. I know that animals do laugh. Scientists just have not found evidence to support the fact that animals do laugh thus they came out with a theory that only humans do. I think the animals are watching and laughing at what we humans have done to ourselves. The bad things to humanity and our earth. Maybe they are crying also….

Laughter – a physiological response to humor consisting of gestures and production of sounds. The Encyclopedia Britannica described it as “rhythmic, vocalized, expiratory and involuntarily actions".

Gestures and sounds. Yup, variations of ‘em. I got this friend who rubs his tummy when he is laughing. And he got this continuous giggles up to 2 minutes. And that is just for some minor jokes (well, to me anyway). He looks like a monkey. I think he laughed or acted like that just to get some attention at him or to add more humiliation at those he make fun of. I think that he should be a clown. He already looks and sounds like one. He only needed a red nose.

Another of my friend, laugh and hit people on the back or the shoulder. He usually hit before he laugh. This can be very irritating to me. I mean, if it just a gentle slap on the shoulder then it’s OK. But a blow like Hulk Hogan can make me want to return the slap just as hard and laugh as hard at him too.

And I also see people who laughed until tears rolls down their cheeks. Happened to me too. It tickles your funny bones to the extreme and you shed tears for nothing. The scientific explanation for this is that the extreme movement of the jaws of mouth by closing and opening caused the struggle for more oxygen and this causes tear ducts to shed and also causes the face to turn red. And maybe the ears too.

Sometimes I see people who close their mouth with the palms of their hands when they laughed. I think it’s because they have bad breath or ugly teeth or even no teeth at all (hahhaha).

They are also a variety sounds of laughter. The hi hi hi ( like hantu ones), the ha ha ha ( the regular ones), the ho ho ho ( the santa claus ones) with different levels of tone, pitch, duration and volume. It really depends on the personality of the person and how he/she perceived the humor. Some sounded like monkeys, some like chickens and some like Beavis and Butthead. Well nobody have the same laughter I think. Laughter is like fingerprints , no two are the same.

In the cyber world, other than audio voice, laughter is indicated by some icons or by typing certain letters. For instance you got this old thing, lol (laughing out loud) or variations as follows:

The usual hahaha, hihihi or hehehehe
Wakakakakakkakaka ( funny!) or
Muakakakakkakakaka ( funny up a level with the addition of “mua” in the front) or
Kekekeeekekekeke ( sheeplike laugh)
Kui kui kui kui kui kui ( birdlike laugh)

The length of the typed variation laughter shows how he/she perceived the humor.

Laughter is also used to show superiority or satisfaction. Like in the old cerita melayu, you can see the villains or orang jahat laughing senselessly or endlessly. Usually the head crook will laughed first followed by the rest of the crew. Or sometimes it shows evilness in progress. “Ha ha ha” rubbing palm of hands,” I’m going to kill them all and all the richness will be mine! Mine! Mine!” followed by a louder “ha ha ha ha ha” and maybe a thunder strike.

It also can be used a way to make money. Like being a clown or a comedian or whatever you called ‘em in the entertainment industry. Some made millions. Making people laugh and making money for themselves. In Japan they got this laughing contest. The longest time laughing, the most unique sound of laughter etc. etc.

I’ve also heard about a person who suffers continuous laughing. This person can’t stop laughing! That's odd! I thought laughter is the best medicine! Maybe I can say he is on medication. Laughing painfully.

Can we fake laughter? Of course we can. I hate those radio DJs who faked laughing at their own lame jokes. But can you tickle yourself to laugh? No. I don’t think so. I’ve tried.

Friday, August 06, 2004

ThOUghTS oF tHe Day

"Money is just an idea. It's just paper with ink. It's for service rendered"
Bob Proctor

"The possibilities is endless when your mind ends giving up"

Thursday, August 05, 2004


MASSA magazine reported that statistically 25% of Malaysian population suffers/experiencing/have mental problems/sickness/delusions or depression. And there are actually 205 types of psychological diseases. From the mild and unnoticed ones to the ultra chronic. Wow! 25%! That's a lot! 25% of crazy and wacky people in Malaysia. Then I start to wonder, am I in that 25%? How would I know?

Then I start to think, do animals have some sort of this mental problems? I mean I've heard of 'anjing gila' (dogs with rabies). My mother used to scare me when I was little, "Baik-baik, jangan main kat tepi jalan tu, ada anjing gila, nanti kena gigit, gila juga". And it worked too, scared the hell out of me. Well it was back then.

What if animals got into depression, what would they act like? What if these animals gets crazy? How would we know? What are the irregularities shown in their behavior? What are the signs? If they got really really depressed, would they commit suicide? Questions unanswered.

Suicide huh? Come to think of it, you always heard of or see some frogs, rabbits, raccoons, lizards got dead in the roads. Jumping to their death. Are they committing suicide? And cats climbed so high up the trees, are they attempting suicide?

But the question is, why would they be so depressed? Why would they want to commit suicide? Is it biological imbalance? Is it a virus infected disease? Are they experiencing emotional stress or problems? Are they having delusions?

Broken hearted cats. Dogs in unhappy relationships. Frogs on social pressure. Cows with grass supply issues. Sheeps suffering anorexia. Schizophrenic birds. Rabbits in a dilemma. Delusional mosquito. The list could go on and on. Endless possibilities.

I think I'll stop here. I'm going nuts! Hell, I'm in that 25%! Shit! Budush!

Sane cat. Pic courtesy of ZeN

Tuesday, August 03, 2004


Tips For Eating At McD

If you happen to be a customer at McD, here are some tips for you when dining (dining?! eating la!) there :

1) Before you proceed to the counter make sure you have make up your mind on what to order. This is to ensure that you don’t waste other people time (like me) waiting for you in front to decide whether to have the small French fries or large (duh!).

And especially if you have kids, do the same with them (maybe before even step out from your home). We don’t want to hear you scold your kids or teaching them that fillet is made from fish and nuggets are from chickens.

And secondly it will not hold the queue and you are actually doing a favor to the good people behind the counter to ensure smooth service.

Lastly, it’s also good to make up your mind because those smiling McD guys and gals will always ask you to add either sundae, apple pie or anything that you might not need. But what the heck, everything is good at McD, so might as well eat it if you add it! It’s not a sin.

2) If you want to have a sundae or just some drinks, please ordered it at the small special service stall located at the entrance. Reason : refer to tip No. 1.

3) McD now have a sauce server near its counter. So you could press chili or tomato sauce to your liking inside this small plastic like saucers. So if you are like me( love chili sauce, lots of ‘em), make sure you find a seat near to the server. You don’t want to go to have more sauce, getting back and found out they taken your unfinished food. Mistaking it that you have finished eating. But this only happens if you are alone and if you takes like more than 15 minutes to get more sauce (where the hell did you go anyway!)

4) Although this sauce server is good because you can have as much sauce as you want rather than asking for additional sauce packets at the counter, it also have its down side. One, be very careful when pressing the server, you might splat some sauce on your favorite shirt. And keep a watch if you kids are pressing it, it might splat in their eyes (hahaha, and they’ll go blind, and McD can be sued)

5) After reading the daily newspaper which is provided in the outlet, make sure you don’t bring it home. Buy you own paper if you like to take home with you. Don’t be a cheapskate!

And lastly,

6) If you happened to be a foreigner (Singaporean, Americans, tourists, whatever), you don’t have to throw away your leftovers/litter/thrash in the bin yourself. You can just leave it on the table. This will not make us (Malaysians) look bad (if you know what I mean)

O.K, enjoy and get bloated!

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Are you, you?

Are You, You?

If you're a good person, then you're an angel.
If you're not a good person (...bad), then you're normal.
If you're a great person, you should die.
If you're a nothing, you gotta survive.

Don't let people (tryin' to) knock you out of your own life just because they think you're stupid to live your own way. You are what you are no matter what other people might think of you. Truth is where you choose to stand but real truth will show at the end. You might be right all the times and you might be wrong all the way, but its nothing wrong to live in this world. Your life is your home, your body is your food and your brain is your servant. Do what is best for your own sake. The bloodiest dreams always comes at dawn, and will gone when the sun shines.

picture : saturn dog 2002 paint Posted by Hello