Saturday, August 13, 2005


8/17/73 Enter Date of Birth 31 Age
(american date system) Friday Day you were born
11,684 Days lived
383 Months lived
31 years, 11 months, 27 days Exact age as at 13/08/05
280422:17:30 Time alive (Press & Hold F9 button)
280,422 Hours lived
16825337 Minutes lived
1009520250 Seconds lived

93,474 Approx hours slept
3,895 Days sleeping
33% % of life asleep
10.7 Years asleep

1,211,424,300 Approx number of heart beats

Leo Zodiac Sign
Ox Chinese Star Sign

Sean Penn, Jim Courier, Robert DeNiro Share Birthday with

40 Desired Retirement Age 8 Years to Retirement
8/16/13 Retirement Date 2925 Days to Retirement
2,089 Approx number of workdays

Enter Marriage Date Not Married Years Married
Years to 50th Golden Anniversary
Years to 25th Silver Anniversary

nombor2 dalam hidup aku. banyak gak ek? Tapi nombor tetap nombor, tiada jiwanya tersendiri. Kekal sebagai objek ukuran hidup. Mati pon mungkin gak ada nombor. Berapa kali kena hantam dgn ulor beso, seksa dan sebagainya. Ade agaknye. Gua ni membebel lak pagi ni. Tak tidor dari kul 7pm semalam sampai sekarang, so dah brapa jam dah? Ah malas nak kira la...kan dah ckp tadi nombor tetap nombor je, tiada jiwa. Sakit jiwa lak.

Masa (nombor gak) terasa mcm slow gile baban bile aku dlm keadaan menunggu sejak due menjak ni. Tapi bila nak cepat, tengah kejar sesuatu, alahai...tak cukup kaki nak kejar masa. Masa o masa...

Right now, headphoneku berbunyi lagu Epic from Faith No More. Lama tak dengo lagu ni. Korang ingat lagi tak FNM? Sebelum Rage Against The Machine, Korn, Lim Biskut dan memacam lagi nu metal or so called rap metal ade, doranglah yg mencampuradukkan ckit 2 jenis (atau lebih) genre musik nih. Kalau tak pernah dengor belilah album yg ciplak pon takpe.

Nothin new to write la. Company aku still merangkak, maklumlah baru seminggu jalan. Fund pon tarak masuk. Tu yang rasa slow je masa nak tunggu duit mashok.

Everyday we are writing our book of Destiny. We are riding the sail of life Possibilities. It's a bumpy journey. Sometimes with Unexpected situations and Sudden suprises. Everyday is a different Page. The ink dried fast for the page After. A new Chapter will be written and some things will be left and Forgotten. There's no Clue what would happen in the Next episode, the next Drama or The next Trauma. When the Day is over and the Shadows are Gone away, and the Body lay, the Mind runs a replay and Plot the new Play the next day.Writing on the Virtual papers of destiny Away...

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