Thursday, December 09, 2004

Babbles N Bubbles of The World....

Babbles N Bubbles Of The World

Yesterday was excellent! Met new friends and strengthened old ones. Finishing the day, going home a little bit early. Took a bath and reads the Straits Times. Once a week I will read the papers. Although I don't like to read the papers because I think they are full of fabricated stories and unhealthy for my mind. But nevertheless I have to read it just to get around peoples, especially new people that I will meet throughout my career. It helps me to start off a conversation or simply to get closer to them.

I will try to read everything, front to back. From politics, current issues, local or international, sports, arts and believe me, the classified ads. But I usually skipped financial news, shares and stuffs. Don't know why, but I little headache reading them.

There's a report on Singaporean couples that are too tired to have sex. Why does this report catch my eye? Well, it will be useful for me to jot down this statistics and surveys in my notebook as I could use this issues in my upcoming speeches. By the way, I love statistics and surveys right now. I found it interesting to use in public speaks and people like to hear stories that are related to them. It adds spice to my talks too.

Now back to the surveys. They interviewed 200 married couples and found out that 75% of them have sex once a week. Most of them said that due to their career or job demands, coming off late from work, they are too tired to have sex. Now this survey is important because it could tell us why the birth rate in Singapore is low. In 2003, the statistics shows that there were only 35,000 babies born. Meaning a birth rate of 1.25 per women. The ideal birth rate should be 2.1 per women just to enough to replace the republic population of 3.2 million people. One women interviewed said that she don't want any children and describe them as parasites which suck their host. And I thought to myself, who does not like babies?! They're cute and lovely. Crazy women! Bet she doesn't get 'it' enough, that's why she's like that! Hahaha.

I remember another statistic. It is reported that 3 females are molested each day and 1 is raped every 3 days in Singapore. Now, I don't have anything against the males of Singapore or it's citizen or the republic itself or implying anything about the safety of females in the island. I do have friends and relatives there. And I also think that if we looked to the surveys and statistics in other countries around the world, it would be just the same figure and numbers. So what does this statistics tells me then you asked?

Well, I thought, why not it is the other way around? I mean 3 men are molested each day and 1 is raped every 3 days. Hahaha. I'm kidding (Now, you're thinking I'm some sort of a pervert or what!). O.k, but seriously, I thought to myself, what the hell is this world turning into?! I mean someday, I will hopefully, have a wife (or wives, hehe) and daughters of my own, and how are their safety if this situation are not prevented or looked into seriously now. What is the future in stored for my generations? I could only pray right now and I will think some way later.

Other interesting news, a woman died of starvation. Not the usual no food starvation though. She was a health food conscious manic, she only consumes foods which contains no artificial coloring, ingredients, MSG, low fat, etc. So when she couldn't find those 'healthy' foods, the stupid women eventually found dead. I chat about this with my friend and he shared a real story of his friend who is kind of the same league with this women. He told me how this friend of him, who is afraid of having high blood pressure. This guy will not eat salty food and stuff. The good news is he didn't get high blood pressure, but the bad news is he got low blood pressure, which is kind of the same and lethal as high blood pressure. Hahaha. Another case of a hypochondriac I guessed! I think we should not be too afraid or too choosy with the food we consume although I agreed that a well balanced meals and daily exercise is good to maintain god health. And not to mention staying away from cigarettes, drugs, alcohol and keeping an active and healthy lifestyle.
I mean our body system already have its own detox system to put away bad things that comes with the food we eat. That's why there are there. Like the kidney, liver and stuff.

That's why we are equipped with them. So just enjoy food and life. And I think that an extreme mind is a sign of an unhealthy person. We should not be an extremist in health conscious. We will deprive ourselves of enjoying what life offers us and we will life with constant fear, which ultimately is a sign of mental illness.

The life average potency for males in Malaysia is 67 years old and females with 75 years old. So basically men dies early. That's kind of scary isn't it? But we men have ourselves to blame. I mean men dies early because we are more of a smoker that women. We drive more recklessly than women. We worked in high-risk jobs or involved in high-risk activities than women. There are more male drugs addicts and alcoholics than women. The list is long. So hurrah for the women! But I think women also contributed to the early death of men. Such as hearing their bitching and constant nagging. Hahaha. Not to mention bad driving ethics that gets to men nerves. Which drives us mad and getting our blood high. Too much shopping that burns the pockets of their husbands. More blood pressure! Hahaha.

Another world surveys showed that optimists lives longer that pessimists more that 60%.
Means that people who are always sad, depressed, no goals in life and of course with the not looking for anything more in life or future and kind of suicidal attitude lived a shorter life. So the more reason to become an optimist than a pessimist right?

But another unrelated report says that the life expectancy for humans is going to be around 150 years in the near future. Wow, wow, wow. I always think that I will live that long myself. Hehe. Yup, I'm an optimist. They said that due to the improvement in areas such as food preparations, medicines, technologies and health and environmental awareness now and years to come, we humans would live longer. Let's pray to that!

But I guess the best medicine or solution to preserve life and peace in the world we live in today is of course an element that is so simple yet so hard to comply and practice. This element is of course is just one part of the solution but I think is one of the most important ones. It is called the value of TOLERANCE. If all practices it, I think there won't be wars, civil wars, no racism, and everybody can live in peace and harmony. And not only that they will look out for each other. The second element would be, CO-OPERATION. This element existed in our self, in our body. Of the many, the important one is the co-operation between our sub-conscious mind and conscious mind, which ensures the function of our brain and body. And the second is existed (or should be) in the form of co-operation between human to another human. This two element can save us and the world we live in.

All in all, it's hard to change the world or even other people towards the realization of this two element. But I think it's easier to change us. If we change, then maybe the world will change. So we need not to change others, it's hard, let's change ourselves first.

We are each an atom or molecules that become this world. Let's start with you. And do take note that technologies won't save us alone. Faith, goodwill and elements mentioned above will be needed hand in hand. I hope.

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