Saturday, July 17, 2004


My landlord came to my house 3 days ago. It was a suprised to me since I usually go to her house to pay the rent.  She then told me that she got to move in to my house (well, technically her house) within a week. She said she can't tell me why she gotta move in here but she mentioned about her business that got into some problems and that this will be just a temporary move. Why a week!? She said that it is an auspicious day for her to move in. Guess it's not an auspicious day for me! This is bad I thought. Where will I find a new house within this week ! All the arrangements, the packing, etc.etc. There's too little time!
I  suddenly remembered that our tenancy aggreement has expired last March. So I couldn't ask her to give me notice to move out a month earlier. But then she gave me a relief when she said that she understands my situation. She said that if I couldn't find a new house, she got one house nearby that I can move in. Phew!!  She actually owned a few houses she rent out.
So by Wednesday 21st, she will move out from her million ringgit mansion to my (err, hers) 3 hundred ringgit house, giving me a  one hundred plus ringgit new house.
Now, I gotta think about cleaning the new house, packing my stuff and finding a lorry (I think I will borrow my brother's). After that, unpacking and rearranging in the new house. After that, there is much more thing to do. Changing the postal address, the phone no. and informing all the people that must know.
It's been 2 year and 6 mths since  I live in that house. Come to think of it, its a good thing if I move out also. It will give me new environment. Since living there, I already like pushed the sofa and the tv/hifi set quite a dozen ways just to give it a fresh look. It think its already pushed too much. What they and I need is a fresh new space. And that will be our new home! 

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