Sunday, May 07, 2006


Getting angry is easy. Getting angry at the right people for the right reason, at the right degree and at the right time is not easy. Aristotle said that. Well, some sort like that, i can't remember the original quote. Anyway, he's "totlely" right. I bet, Aristotle ni mesti panas baran orangnya. But how do we control our anger? Keeping our cool? Everybody gets angry sometimes right?

I learned this kind of anger management lesson long time ago from my ustaz."Kalau marah, kalau awak sedang berdiri maka duduklah, kalau tak hilang marah juga, maka berbaringlah, kalau masih marah, mandilah". Itulah yang dia cakap. Pernah aku ikut jugak, and it works, tapi taklah sampai kena mandi. Tapi betullah, api kan lawannya air? Tapi aku rasa bukan pasal aku duduk marah itu beransur hilang, tetapi apabila aku teringat nasihat dan terbayangkan muka ustaz itu sendiri, aku jadi hilang fokus untuk marah.

Back to Mr. Aristotle words, getting angry at the right people? Apa akan jadi kalau the right people is myself? To what degree i have to be mad at myself? Tapi aku rasa bila aku marah kat diri aku sendiri, aku tak menyusahkan orang lain kan? Arghh..baik aku sit, lie down or get wet, whichever works!

Btw,just watched MI3. Not going to bebel on how great is the stunts and all, coz it's excellence in giving satisfaction, actionpackedwise. But as soon as I walk out from the cinema, the thrill is gone, and i forgot all about it. But what really stuck in my head was the scene where Ethan Hunt was tied to the chair opposite of his"wife" who is also tied up with a gun to her head. At that point of time, how would you feel when you see your loved ones just inches away from you and threatened to be kill? And you can't do anything about it. Imagine how would you feel seeing your loved ones killed/died in front of you and you got no power to stop it? The feeling of pain, anger, extreme sadness, the rollercoaster of emotions that you're going through. Anyway that is all MI3 delivered to me, other than great stunts, actions, adrenaline rush (gez i remember the fun stuff too).

Thursday, May 04, 2006


In no mood to blog. Opted to read other people's blog. And links in their blog too. Kinda piss off with things around my life right now. And the fingers doesn't run smooth on this keyboard or the guitar. Everything's ugly.


I'm always here
At the beginning of the end
Trying to find a place and a stand
Why I'm here I don't understand
Could it be I'm just a haunting ghost?
Living in a dead world
Screaming for help but no one listens
Bleeding in pain dreaming of heaven
Or just confused of nothing but self pity ness
Lack of everything and every senses
Never I hold my future in my hands
My body only consumes boredom
Yet my heart wanting freedom
I¡¦m a walking lost ghost
I¡¦m just a failure-infected host.

bleedings by mosh from The Ghost Of Love